Rafael Couto Melsert
Academic Director and Professor
Doctor graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Internship in Internal Medicine and Gynecology.
Specialization in Homeopathy from the Instituto Hahnemanniano do Brasil - IHB - Rio de Janeiro - RJ. Specialization course in Hypnosis and Regressive Therapy at the Brazilian Institute of Holistic Hypnosis - IBRAH - Rio de Janeiro.
Training in Ericksonian Natural Hypnosis, 2007.
Master's Degree in Physiology and Sleep Medicine from the University of Murcia, 2014.
Training in Hypnosis in Parts Therapy, with Roy Hunter - Albergaria - A Velha, Portugal, in 2014.
Intensive Training in Family Constellation and Systemic Health, with Stephan Hausner, author of the book Family Constellations. The Path to Healing, Valinhos, SP - 2018.
University Master's Degree in Bioethics at the Faculty of Medicine of the Catholic University of Valencia, Spain, started in September 2018.
Passed all subjects. In the thesis development phase: A Personalist Bioethical Approach in Neuroethics. Thesis Final.
Training in Biokybernetik Smit - Organic Pin Code. Matrix Plus Levels and Ixtra Points; Duetose Triets; Bronze Master, from 2018 to 2019.
International Training in Transgenerational Internal Psychodrama - Theoretical Part, given by Dr. Alberto Boarini - Instituto Psique y Movimiento - Arequipa, Peru - 2020.
Presentation of the paper: "Biophotons: Biological Laser as a 'Hardware' Intermediating Rapport in Regressive Therapy" at the Second World Congress of Regressive Therapy - New Delhi, India, in 2006.
International Certification in Regressive Therapy, by the Vita Continua Institute - Brazil and the Tasso Institute - Holland, course taught by Hans TenDam, 2007/2008.
International Certification in Evolutionary Coaching from the Institute of Applied Neurolinguistics - INAp and the International Coaching Institute - InCoaching, 2008.
Participation as an informal speaker at the Summer School on Biophotons, in 2008, at the International Institute of Biophysics - Neuss, Germany, presenting the theme: Biophotons and Spirituality. Broadening Horizons. Official participation as a closing speaker at the 2009 Summer School on Biophotons, at the International Institute of Biophysics - Neuss, Germany, presenting the theme: Complementary Biophoton Field - Heuristic Approach to Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Certified member of EARTh - Earth Association for Regression Therapy, for the practice of regression therapy worldwide. Main author of chapter 16, on biophotons operating in the rapid "switches" in Dissociative Identity Disorder - DID, in the book 'Jaarboek Integrale Geneeskunde 2010/2011. Naar een geïntegreerde theorie van ziekte en gezondheid'. In Dutch.
He presented the workshop: "Biophotons: Light Field of Life in Regressive Therapy" in partnership with Míriam Regina Xavier de Barros, Ph.D. in Physics from UNICAMP, at the Fifth World Congress of Regressive Therapy - Porto, Portugal, in 2014.
Presentation of a lecture on biophotons, at the invitation of Professor Mário Simões, physician, head of the Laboratory of Mind Matter Interaction with Therapeutic Intent - LIMMIT, at the Hospital de Santa Maria, Lisbon, in 2014.
Invited by Professor Mário Simões, director of LIMMIT - Laboratory of Mind Matter Interaction with Therapeutic Intent, located at the Santa Maria Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon, to be an Independent External Collaborator on Bioinformation. Dede 2014.
Advanced Auriculomedicine Course - UNIPAZ - given by Professor Dr. Ives Rouxeville, from France - 2016.
Participation as one of the 3 members of the committee that is drawing up the project to set up the UNESCO Chair, entitled: Medicine, Consciousness and Quantum Physics, at the Health Sciences Center of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro - PUC RIO.
Participation in the Hellinger International Congress on Systemic Law - São Paulo, June 22 and 23, 2018.
Seminar Contexts of Health and Illness in Family Constellation - Sophie Hellinger and Renato Bertate - São Paulo, June 24, 2018.
Systems View of Life - A Unifying Vision course, taught by Fritjof Capra. February to June 2019. Aromatic Plants and Essential Oils Course - Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Coimbra, Portugal - 2019. Basic and Intensive Saint Germain Flower Course, taught by Talita Margonari - 2019.
Florais de Minas and Chakra Balance Course, given by Ednamara Batista, creator of the Florais de Minas System - m2019.
Digital Bioelectrography Training Course - GDV - Official Biowell Company Course - 2019.
Advanced Course in Digital Bioelectrography - GDV - Official Biowell Company Course - Prof. Konstantin Korotkov - Russia, Taught by Dr. Dimitri Orlov - 2019.
Basic course: Beyond the Frontiers of Knowledge, taught by Dr. Gilda Moura and Dr. Fabiano Deliberalli - 2020.
Advanced course: Beyond the Frontiers of Knowledge, taught by Dr. Gilda Moura and Dr. Fabiano Deliberalli - 2020.
Systemic Family Constellation Training Course, with an emphasis on individual care. Constellation in Water - Institute of Brief Therapies Professor Silca Maluta - 2020.
How to do Online Constellations, according to Idris Lahore, taught by Lin Thanh Ho and Françoise Mazuir, Instructors at Libre Université du Samadeva, France - 2020.
Individual Family Constellations with Puppets course, according to Idris Lahore, taught by Françoise Mazuir, Instructor at Libre Université du Samadeva, France - 2020.
The 5 Elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Pacific Essences course, given by Sabina Pettitt, creator of the Pacific Essences Flower System - 2020.
Photobiomodulation Training Course, given by Dr. Luiz Gustavo Balaguer and Dr. Vânia Declair - 2020.
ILIB Course: Systemic Therapy in Clinical Procedures. Systemic Transdermal Photobiomodulation - In Laser - 2020.
Laser Puncture Course - Laser Rio - 2020.
Integrative Practices in the Clinic: prevention and health promotion course - In Laser - 2020.
ILIB, Laser and Systemic Therapy Course - Ecco Fibras - 2020.
Mubun Dashin course - Instituto Saúde e Equilíbrio - 2020.
Chromopuncture course - Instituto Saúde e Equilíbrio - 2020