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Francisco Di Biase

Scientific Director | CRM 183006

Neurosurgeon, professor of postgraduate studies at the Geraldo Di Biase University Center - UGB/FERP.

Scientific director of the Milton Erickson Institute.

Grand PhD from the Academie Europeene D'Informatisation, Belgium. Honorary Professor at Albert Schweitzer International University, Switzerland.

Member of the New York Academy of Sciences, USA.

The only Grand PhD in South America and the first Brazilian to be awarded the Albert Schweitzer Medal of Science and Peace and the Noetic Medal of Brain Research and Consciousness by the Noetic Advanced Studies Institute, USA.

Author of the books: O Homem Holistico-a Unidade mente-nature, Caminhos da Cura, A Revolucao da Consciência, Ciência Espiritualidade e Cura, Caminhos para a Paz - Diálogos com o Prêmio Nobel da Paz Albert Schweitzer.

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Dr. Francisco Di Biase was awarded the Noetic Medal of Consciousness and Brain Research in November 2009 at the International Symposium on Quantum Health and Quality of Life in Recife:

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Núcleo de Desenvolvimento Regina Nohra, Ltda.
CNPJ: 08831154/0001-37

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