Albert Einstein in 1938 demonstrated that gravity depends on the geometry of a distorted space-time, caused by the presence of matter. In 1935, he wrote the famous EPR article on entanglement, which he called "spooky action at a distance", trying to show that quantum physics was incomplete. In the 1970s Bekenstein and Hawking showed that black holes have temperature and entropy.
Studies by Susskind (2008) discotecavered a relationship between entropy and area as a consequence of entanglement and Atlan in 1979 and Di Biase in 1999 were proposing to see entropy as the information content and complexity of a system. Suskind (2008) could quantize the development of space-time by eschewing a quantum theory of gravity, demonstrating that the relationship between entropy and area is holographic. Jacobson (1999) in a brilliant argument shows that entropy multiplied by nature's temperament is the energy of a system and that a simple energy-entropy relationship can become Einstein's gravitational equation of mass, energy, space-time and quantum information theory.
Maldacena was able to demonstrate that wormholes would only work if the black holes were quantum entangled on the outside - a revolutionary conclusion that suggests that entanglement is the hat that binds space-time together!
Di Biase (1999; 2008; 2009; 2011; 2014) has conjectured that consciousness is non-local quantum information with a status equal to energy, matter, energy and space-time, and Wheeler has described an elegant participatory universe information system bringing together quantum information theory consciousness and physics with 'the it from bit' concept.
Bohm's (1983; 1993) super implicate order allows us to understand consciousness, energy and matter as varieties of the same informational order. Pribram's neural network (1991; 1997) ork equation is similar to Schrödinger's wave equation that allows me to develop an elegant and beautiful holoinformational mind-brain entanglement with the quantum-holographic universe that I see as an extended formational universal conscious interconnectedness.
Albert Einstein in 1938 demonstrated that gravitation depends on the geometry of a distorted space-time, caused by the presence of matter. In 1935 he wrote the famous EPR article on entanglement, which he called "spooky action at a distance", trying to show that quantum physics was incomplete. In the 1970s, Jacob Bekenstein and Stephen Hawking demonstrated ate black holes have temperature and a large amount of entropy, but in Einstein's theory of living space-time relationship is soft and malleable, and a black hole as an extreme crumple cannot have quantum substructure and entropy. This contradiction was resolved when Beckenstein, Hawking and Susskin's study (2008) showed a relationship between the energy-temperature of a system as measured by its entropy, and its area, which occurs as a consequence of entanglement.
Atlan (1979) and Di Biase (1999) have proposed seeing entropy as the information and complexity content of a system, rather than the disorder of the system. Suskind in 2008, working with black hole string theory, developed mathematics that could calculate the information content and he could quantize space-time by developing a quantum theory of gravity demonstrating that the relationship between entropy and area is holographic, he calls it the holographic principle, and so he could calculate the entropy of the surface of a black hole. This relationship is a universal principle in line with Smolin's (2000) concept of the holographic web, which proposes that the universe is a network of holograms, with each hologram containing information about all the others.
Smolin sees any surface area in space as an "information channel". For him, area is a measure of the ability to transmit information, and space is just the channel of information from observer to observer. Jacobson in 1999 developed a brilliant and elegant argument showing that entropy multiplied by temperature is the energy of a system. Such a large mass represents an enormous energy that makes a greater curvature in space-time, so a simple energy - entropy relationship can become the gravitational center of Einstein's equation relating mass energy space-time and quantum information theory.
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