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Quantum Entanglement of Consciousness and Space-Time: A Unified Field of Consciousness
Albert Einstein in 1938 demonstrated that gravity depends on the geometry of a distorted space-time, caused by the presence of matter. In...

The Creative Mind-Brain-DNA Dialogue: Epigenetics and Neuroplasticity
Francisco Di Biase[1] Grand Phd, Phd e Full Professor World Information Distributed University, Bélgica; Honorary Professor Albert...

Consciousness: The Holoinformational Brain
Abstract The author propose a quantum-informational holographic model of brain consciousness-universe interations based in the...

Self-organization in Biological Systems
ABSTRACT. The concept of self-organization is based upon the order-from-noise principle, which explains how organisms make use of noise...

The Unified Field of Consciousness: Towards a Holoinformational Theory of Consciousness
Dr. Francisco Di Biase Dept Neurosurgery and Neurology, Clínica Di Biase and Santa Casa, Barra do Piraí, Rio de Janeiro Dept...

Interfaces between Science and Spirituality
One of the public intellectuals with the greatest impact on contemporary Brazilian and world thought, Gleiser researches the origin of...

Prayer, Science and Health
Dr. Newton Miguel Moraes Richa - Occupational Physician. Article taken from Jornal Revista - Caderno Revista, June 2023. In their book...
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