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Hypnosis in Triathletes: Perception of the Visualization Characteristics of the Ironman Race and its Psychophysiological Components
Dissertation approved as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Psychology in the Postgraduate Program in Psychology at...
Hypnosis: from Myth to Reality
Far from tricks and myths, learn more about hypnosis, the technique used to improve various psychological problems Júlya Rocha* Do you...
The Serious Side of Hypnosis
Galileu Magazine - Issue 269 - December 2013: Science explains how the technique has helped patients quit smoking, lose weight, combat...
Is Time Just an Illusion?
Created by Mario Jorge of My Big TOE Brasil. Is time just an illusion? Or perhaps it's just a local phenomenon, occurring only in this...
Psychotherapy and Religion: Constructing Meaning and Experiencing the Sacred
Maurício da Silva Neubern University of Brasilia ABSTRACT This paper seeks to emphasize that the construction of subjective meaning is of...
Ericksonian Hypnosis: The Power of Communication with the Unconscious
STEPHEN PAUL ADLER WHAT IS ERICKSONIAN HYPNOSIS ANYWAY? Anyone who thinks that Ericksonian Hypnosis is just a therapeutic approach is...
Hypnosis and Pain: Origin and Clinical Tradition
MAURÍCIO DA SILVA NEUBERN University of Brasilia The aim of this paper is to point out that the relationship between hypnosis and pain...
Drama as a Proposal for Understanding Milton Erickson's Clinic
Maurício da Silva Neubern* Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, Brazil. This paper seeks to offer, through the notion of drama, an initial...
My Grand Theory of Everything - Thomas Campbell
If you have a logical, open and questioning mind, an attitude of scientific pragmatism that appreciates the elegance of fundamental truth...
Hypnosis, Singularity and Breastfeeding Difficulties: A Clinical Study (part III)
Maurício da Silva Neubern. Part III . THIRD HYPNOTIC AXIS - RECOVERING COMPETENCE The third hypnotic axis occurred at the end of the...
Hypnosis, Singularity and Breastfeeding Difficulties: A Clinical Study (part II)
Maurício da Silva Neubern. Part II . FIRST HYPNOTIC AXIS - TUNING THE EARS . One of the points that initially caught the researcher's...
Hypnosis, Singularity and Breastfeeding Difficulties: A Clinical Study (part I)
MAURÍCIO DA SILVA NEUBERN. PART I Abstract Through a brief case study, this paper seeks to illustrate the construction of individualized...
Psychosomatic Gynecology? (video)
DR OSMAR COLAS Today I want to reflect on a video I watched, one of several, by Dr. Osmar Colás. Dr Osmar Colás is a gynaecologist...
Resources, Solutions and Possibilities: a Tribute to Milton H. Erickson
"All the resources to solve our problems lie within us". Milton H. Erickson A life well lived depends on how we observe and perceive...
What is Milton Erickson's Ericksonian Hypnosis?
Milton Hyland Erickson is one of the world's leading authorities on Ericksonian hypnosis. Founder and president of the American Society...
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