There are things in life that we can't avoid, but we CAN learn to develop a new outlook in order to overcome them and deal with them in a healthy way.
Is there anyone who has never been rejected?
I don't think so!
By rejection, we can understand the act or effect of rejecting or refusing something or someone.
We can also perceive other feelings such as: abandonment, orphanhood, not being allowed, not being valued.
And there is no formula for making the other person not reject us. Now, when we know how to manage our inner selves, our feelings and emotions, we won't be held hostage by rejection.
Here's the difference!!!!
So don't try to transform a rejection overnight, but understand how this process happened, it has a lot to do with how we perceive things, in other words, with our outlook on life.
What do we expect?
There are thinkers and psychologists who believe that rejection is not external, but an internal process.
Sometimes, in order not to feel rejected, people exclude themselves.
In addition, nowadays, in this shift from face-to-face to online, those who don't have a considerable number of followers can feel rejected or excluded.
The way we deal with rejection can be related to the upbringing we received from our parents, from society, from school, from those who looked after us!
You can feel insecure, anxious and excessively afraid of losing the other person.
Family rejection is common in childhood, when we take what we hear as absolute, unchangeable truth.
Example: You don't even seem to be my son! (Abandonment, not deserving, etc.)
The best is not for you! (Non-authorization, non-appreciation).
These limiting beliefs can cause the person to develop a fear of making mistakes, of not feeling good enough.
It can also manifest itself as negligence in care, verbal or physical violence within the home between family members.
One way of dealing with this is to learn, as we develop, to question these beliefs, to understand the feeling of lesser worth.
In this case, it's important to have the support of a professional, a psychologist, to help you change the harmful attitudes of feeling rejected.
We need to understand that we all have the opportunity to grow and change.
What are you focusing on, the problem or the solution?
How do you perceive the feelings that come to you?
Are they feelings that make me grow? Or are they feelings that make me suffer?
Throughout life, when we develop the emotional intelligence that allows us to identify and deal with our feelings and emotions, we learn not just to react, but to act.
Ask yourself: What's in it for me and what's in it for me?
What are the consequences?
There are people who, faced with certain situations, think that things won't change. That they have nothing to do!
They tend to blame themselves for rejection, for example:
A person who only sees things from their perspective, from their opinion.
Sometimes they can develop depressive attitudes related to the pain of rejection.
But know that the way you think about and relate to rejection can be worked on.
If you develop a mindset, a way of thinking, feeling and acting, you can see rejection as an opportunity to grow, to change, to develop, to discover yourself.
In the area of rejection in friendship and love relationships, it's common to feel out of place at first, if you feel the need to cry or be sad, feel and deal with your emotions.
But this moment is an opportunity to get to know yourself, allowing yourself to go to new places, build new bridges, new experiences, learn to love yourself and understand your own value.
In the workplace, rejection can come in two forms: receiving a "no" during a selection process or feeling excluded by colleagues after winning a job.
To deal with rejection at work, it's important to talk about what you're feeling, avoid being impulsive and analyze situations objectively. This is where Emotional Intelligence comes in, which I've talked about here throughout the lives.
The other person's no cannot diminish your value!
Sometimes rejection can come from a friendship, a professional relationship, a family relationship, in short, it's not just in the love sense.
One step that can certainly help you deal with rejection is to allow yourself to learn from the experience: instead of focusing only on the pain of rejection, try to find opportunities for growth. Analyze the situation and ask yourself if there is anything you can learn from it.
Acknowledge your feelings: It's normal to feel sad, frustrated or hurt after being rejected. Allow yourself to experience these emotions and recognize that it is part of the healing process.
Don't take it personally: Rejection is not always a reflection of who you are as a person. Often, the other person's circumstances or preferences may be involved.
Don't give up: Rejection can be discouraging, but it's important not to let it stop you from continuing to look for new opportunities.
Remember that rejection is part of life and a common experience for everyone.
Use rejection to connect with your essence.
Learn to express your opinions and feelings clearly and directly.
When you learn to deal with rejection, everyone wins, because it fosters good relationships between people, allowing for greater understanding in personal relationships and better interaction (and communication) at work.
Think about it.